Friday, 6 May 2011

Planning the photoshoot- I decided to do the iconic Lily Allen and the panther main image from Q magazine and I used my friend to re enact this front cover magazine.
For the scene we used a room which had a white wall and we kept the lights on so to make it seem abit brighter but we kept the flash off the camera. Unfortunatly we didn't have 2 panther's to spare, so we decided to just not include these in the image.
I tried to copy Lily Allen's pose as much as possible so I asked my cover girl to turn and look a certain way.
We tried to match the outfit as much as we could, we got some black leggings and we just used some black short shorts and obviously a top was not necessary for the shoot.
We took about 3 pictures but when we looked at them all we deleted the other 2 and went with this one, as it looked abit more like the original.

Once on the computer I used a software on my laptop called 'Photosuite' and I used that just to alter the background because the original magazine cover, the background is a very light grey, to add dark tones to the image. So I manipulated the image slightly to make the background a light grey/silvery colour.
I then transported the image onto Word 2007- where I added the coverlines and the headings around the image, I recreated the 'Q' Logo- to the best that I could. I stuck to the same colours and similar font styles and sizes for the coverlines and the banner at the bottom.

Looking back on it, I don't think the image itself is terrible but I think it could've done with more work especially on the coverlines- The coverlines were not as bold and close together as the original cover. And without the 2 panther's my version looked a little bit lost, like something was missing from it. If I had a proper image maniuplating program, like photoshop, I might have been able to cut the 2 panthers out of the original magazine and place them on my magazine cover. The main title of 'Lily Allen'- I should've made that stretch across the page and be alot more bolder.But overall I think that the outcome of my recreation of this magazine was satisfactory. But it could've used abit more image manipulation.

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